Integrated system for site documentation and defect management, available since 2011, continuously improved. Available in German, English, Spanish and Catalan. Currently 2908 projects are managed by 22.252 users who have recorded 1.502.052 photos, videos and audio notes
For general contractors: The photo documentation allows the general contractor to maintain an overview and take immediate countermeasures if a delay is noticeable. We have developed our own price model for this case, which allows the general contractor to use the photo documentation efficiently and cost-effectively even for very large construction projects.
For architects: The photo documentation provides a fast and efficient platform to distribute plans. The system checks the plan version each time the program is started and, if necessary, downloads the latest plan version. Additional information such as classifications, free text, keywords, plan and room positions are entered immediately on the mobile phone or tablet and are then available. Nevertheless, the photo documentation is fully functional even without Internet access.
For experts: Claim management is becoming increasingly important on the construction site. Especially when many construction companies are active at the same time, it is important to immediately document any shortcomings in the preparatory work and pass them on to the person responsible. The photo documentation has already saved our customers many millions of euros, since in the case of needing to go to court the one with the better documentation of construction defects practically always wins.
For building owners: The photo documentation allows a quick overview of the project progress and building defects that occur. The documentation of occurring defects as well as the communication between architect, craftsmen and building owners is significantly facilitated and consistently documented.
The photodocumentation was developed for projects - especially the construction and ancillary industries - and enables the capture and categorization of images, videos and audio recordings of construction sites, which are created as part of scheduled and unscheduled inspections or for documentation of disabilities, directly on any Android mobile phone or tablet. All devices from Android version 2.1 are supported. The photo documentation consists of two parts: the Android app with online and offline data collection, automatic update, data transfer and integrated crash reporting, and a clear web application for managing the files, where, in addition to detailed analyses, claim management lists and extensive Excel reports can be generated. A selection of the images can be compiled into a documentation and made conveniently available to external users.
Simple operation: In addition to the plan upload of freely navigable plans and direct selection of the exact plan position and direction of recording (smooth scrolling and zoom-in/out), the current room position can also be entered via room code (search function or QR code) or classification. For very small construction sites, the room position can also be noted in free text.
Security: All data is stored on dedicated servers operated and maintained by us in data centers in Austria. HTTPS encryption is standard. Regular backups of all images, audio recordings and videos as well as all metadata are included.
Function overview (excerpt)
- Project management with name, project number, owner, choosable keywords, logo-upload (for export and reporting)
- Access rights on user / project level
- User management with six roles (system admin, key user, project admin, standard user, viewer, external viewer)
- App user management with project assignment, file path for storage, app settings: free text yes/no, classifications, user
- Filelist with context menu for image manipulation (e.g. left/right rotate, contrast, brighter/darker, ...), free text and description directly editable, extensive search functions (classification, user, text search for free text, description or both; date from-to), delete and hide, export as Excel-File incl. all images
- Creation of documentations based on a subset of files with subject, description, date (optionally visible for external viewers)
- Upload plans and use the Android app to directly mark the exact plan position and direction where the photo was taken
- Configuration of room codes and choosing them directly within the Android app (also possible via printed QR-Code, one per room)
Thanks to our many years of experience in the construction industry - since 2009 we have been developing numerous web-based applications in this area - we can also expand the photo documentation for your company. Let's talk about it! EMail us at, call us at +43 7243 21520 or via contact form

Design and implementation of a webbased (AJAX) guarantee management system with two-man rule, import and cleanup of historical data; Integration of salary, travel costs and assembly costs from three different reports into a single PDF; Design and implementation of a worktime capacity plannung system; Design and implementation of a builders site diary and planning tool and photodocumentation, digital offer management, fire alarm management......

Development of an integrated system for input, change and structured output of references for the whole IGO group (consisting of Babak, Bacon, Bostelmann, EBG, ELIN, Ortner/HTG, Pfrimer&Mösslacher) and integration into company intranet and website; user of the Photo-Documentation.