Within this three-year FFG Bridge7 project we developed and researched intelligent image processing algorithms to analyse human tissue (placenta, colon and bone) using computer-supported slide-based microscopy. Partners in this project are Medical University of Vienna and TissueGnostics GmbH.
Research project: Holistic Pattern Recognition (in collaboration with Medical University Vienna and TissueGnostics GmbH). The poster describes our current research results on automated recognition of erythrocytes and was awarded to our student Andreas Heindl.
Together with TissueGnostics GmbH and the Medical University of Vienna, we hold Patent AT 510329 (A1) as one of three inventors (our share: 47.5%). The patent was originally applied for in August 2010.
Research project: Holistic Pattern Recognition (in collaboration with Medical University Vienna and TissueGnostics GmbH). The poster describes our current research results on the connection between liver metastatis and colorectal cancer and was awarded to our student Ursula Thiem.
Research project: Holistic Pattern Recognition (in collaboration with Medical University Vienna and TissueGnostics GmbH). The poster describes our current research results in the early diagnostic recognition of colon cancer and was awarded to our student Radu Rogojanu.
Research project: Holistic Pattern Recognition (in collaboration with Medical University of Vienna and Tissue Gnostics GmbH). This award graded the quality of collaboration and management in cooperations between research institutions and companies.
Research project: Holistic Pattern Recognition (in collaboration with Medical University of Vienna and TissueGnostics GmbH)
On invitation by Rudolf Fabien of ETH Zurich, Department for Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE), we held a talk there about our research project Holistic Pattern Recognition as well as related projects. This talk focussed on the medical/biological potential of the work rather than the technical details.
During the Symposium Bridges in Pathophysiology we held a talk on our Osteoclast recognition system which was developed during the research project Holistic Pattern Recognition. The Symposium was held on occasion of the publication of the book Principles of Osteoimmunology (SpringerWienNewYork) where we also contributed one appropriate chapter.
At this occasion we also tested our Android tablet based presentation app and allowed deep views...
Invited by Dr. Paolo Masci of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Queen Mary University of London, we held a short seminar with open discussion on our research project Holistic Pattern Recognition as well as related projects. These are the most comprehensive slides from the series of talks with the same title. However because of the lively discussion we could not show all slides (i.e. all technical slides...
On invitation by Dr. Kurt De Grave of the Institute for Declarative Languages & Artificial Intelligence, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, we held a talk there about our research project Holistic Pattern Recognition as well as related projects. This talk focussed on technical details rather than the medical/biological potential of the work.
On invitation by Prof. J. Neyts and Dr. Kurt De Grave of the Rega Institute for Medical Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, we held a talk there about our research project Holistic Pattern Recognition as well as related projects. This talk focussed on the medical/biological potential of the work rather than the technical details.
Invited by Ass.Prof. Bernhard Pfahringer PhD of the Dept. for Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand - known for their data mining suite WEKA - we held a talk there about our research project Holistic Pattern Recognition as well as related projects.
At the event ScienceDabei 2011 of the Medical University Vienna, we held entertaining talks about our projects, did a live demo on creation, staining and microscopy imaging of tissue samples, and documented everything on video.
Invited by Ao.Univ.-Prof.Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Isabella Ellinger from the Institute for Medical Pathology and Allergy research of the Medical University of Vienna, we held a talk on our C. elegans and H. sapiens image analysis research projects. The second half of this talk was concerned with Best Practices in the areas of staining protocols, microscopy image acquisition, stitching, creation of ground-truth data by biological researchers and the...
Invited by Dr. Monika Debreczeny from the Vienna Institute for BioTechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, we held a talk on our C. elegans and H. sapiens image analysis research projects. The first half of this talk was concerned with Best Practices in the areas of staining protocols, microscopy image acquisition, stitching, creation of ground-truth data by biological researchers and the development of...
Troubleshooting HemoQUEST; applied research project Holistic Pattern Recognition in collaboration with the Institute for Pathophysiology of the Medical University Vienna.
Thiem U., Rogojanu R., Mesteri I., Ellinger I., Thalhammer T., Heindl A., Seewald A., Bises G.(2011) Is Intra-tumoral Budding Correlated With Liver Metastasis In Patients With Grade 2 Colorectal Cancer? A Pilot Study. In Program and Abstract Book of the 2nd Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology, and Immunology of the Medical University Vienna, Austria.
R. Rogojanu, I. Mesteri, I. Ellinger, T. Thalhammer, A. Heindl, A. Seewald, A. Haisan, G. Bises (2011): The relation between epithelial and stromal area is important for colorectal cancer diagnosis and therapeutic considerations. Poster presentation at the 7th PhD Symposium of the Young Scientist Assocation of the Medical University of Vienna, June 2011, Vienna, Austria.
Heindl A., Thalhammer T., Bises G., Schepelmann M., Uhrova H., Rogojanu R., Seewald A., Ellinger I. (2012): Towards automated detection of erythrocytes in tissue to reduce autofluorescence. Poster presentation at the 2nd Symposium of Drug & Target Screening Unit DTSU/ CCC, 29th October, Vienna.
A. Heindl, A.K. Seewald, T. Thalhammer, G. Bises, S. Dekan, I. Mesteri, R. Rogojanu, I. Ellinger (2012): Automated REcognition of Tissue-associated Erythrocytes (ARETE) - a new tool in tissue-cytometry. In Program and Abstract Book of the 3rd Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology, and Immunology of the Medical University Vienna, Austria.
A. Heindl, A.K. Seewald, T. Thalhammer, G. Bises, S. Dekan, I. Mesteri, R. Rogojanu, I. Ellinger (2012): Automated REcognition of Tissue-associated Erythrocytes (ARETE) - a new tool in tissue-cytometry. Poster presentation at the 54th Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry, Vienna, Austria.
Andreas Heindl, Alexander K. Seewald, Martin Schepelmann, Radu Rogojanu, Giovanna Bises, Theresia Thalhammer, Isabella Ellinger (2012): A Novel Nucleus-Based Classifier for Discrimination of Osteoclasts and Mesenchymal Precursor Cells in Mouse Bone Marrow Cultures. Journal of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET); Issue 67, July 2012, pp. 745-750.
Rogojanu, R., Thiem, U., Mesteri, I., Ellinger, I., Heindl, A., Seewald, AK., Haisan, A., Thalhammer, T., Bises, G. (2012): Automatic analysis of tumor budding in colorectal cancer specimens. Poster presentation at the 8th PhD Symposium of the Young Scientist Assocation of the Medical University of Vienna, June 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Heindl, A., Dekan, S., Rogojanu, R., Ecker, R., Bises, G., Thalhammer, T., Uhrova, H., Seewald, AK., Ellinger, I. (2012): Expression Level of the Receptor for Advanced Glycated End Products (RAGE) in the Syncytiotrophoblast correlates with the Severity of Per-Eclampsia as demonstrated by a novel Method for automated in-situ Quantifications of Proteins. Poster presentation at the 8th PhD Symposium of the Young Scientist Assocation of the...
G. Bises, I. Mesteri, U. Thiem, I. Ellinger, T. Thalhammer, A. Heindl, A. Seewald, R. Rogojanu (2011): Automated quantitative analysis of epithelial and stromal area in colorectal cancer: putative application for the prognosis of cancer progression. Proceedings of the 7th NCRI Cancer conference to be held in Liverpool, UK, 6-9 November 2011.
Heindl A, Schepelmann M, Ecker R, Pietschmann P, Ellinger I, Seewald A, Thalhammer T (2011): Towards the automated detection and characterization of osteoclasts in microscopic images. Book chapter in Principles of Osteoimmunology: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications, Ed. P.Pietschmann, Wien. Springer-Verlag 2011.
Heindl A., Thalhammer T., Bises G., Schepelmann M., Rogojanu R., Ecker R., Seewald A., Ellinger I. (2011) A versatile Automated Detection System for Erythrocytes in Human Tissue Sections. In Program and Abstract Book of the 2nd Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology, and Immunology of the Medical University Vienna, Austria.
Heindl A., Schepelmann M., Seewald A., Nussbaumer A., Bises G., Rogojanu R., Ecker R., Pietschmann P., Thalhammer T., Ellinger I. (2011) Automated Nuclei-based In Silico Discrimination of Murine Osteoclasts and their Precursor Cells. In Program and Abstract Book of the 2nd Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology, and Immunology of the Medical University Vienna, Austria.
Schepelmann M., Heindl A., Seewald A., Nussbaumer A., Bises G., Rogojanu R., Ecker R., Pietschmann P., Ellinger I., Thalhammer T. (2011) Automated Detection And Quantification Of Osteoclasts In Culture By A Novel Image Analysis System - A Pilot Study On The Influence Of The Hormone Melatonin On Osteoclast Formation. In Program and Abstract Book of the 2nd Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology, and Immunology of the Medical...
Rogojanu R., Thiem U., Mesteri I., Ellinger I., Thalhammer T., Heindl A., Seewald A., Bises G. (2011) Epithelium/Stroma Ratio In Colorectal Cancer: Automated Area Detection and Quantitative Analysis. In Program and Abstract Book of the 2nd Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology, and Immunology of the Medical University Vienna, Austria.
Schepelmann M., Heindl A., Uhrova H., Pohl V., Rogojanu R., Seewald A., Helmer H., Ellinger I. (2011) The neonatal IgG Fc-receptor (FcRn) is expressed in the syncytiotrophoblast, fetal endothelial cells and Hofbauer cells of human term placental chorionic villi. In Program and Abstract Book of the 2nd Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology, and Immunology of the Medical University Vienna, Austria.
M. Schepelmann, A. Heindl, H. Uhrova, V. Pohl, R. Rogojanu, A. Seewald, H. Helmer, I. Ellinger (2011): The neonatal IgG Fc-receptor (FcRn) is expressed in the syncytiotrophoblast, fetal endothelial cells and Hofbauer cells of human term placental chorionic villi. Placenta 32 (9): A54, 14th IFPA meeting, Geilo, Norway, 14-17 September 2011.
A. Heindl, M. Schepelmann, R. Stumberger, A. Nussbaumer, P. Pietschmann, G. Bises, R. Rogojanu, T. Thalhammer, A. Seewald, I. Ellinger (2001): Automated detection, quantification and characterization of osteoclasts in cultures using a combined image-processing and machine learning strategy. Bone, 48, S124-137, PP112-S. 3rd joint ECTS-IBMS Meeting in Athens, 7-11 May 2011.
M. Schepelmann, A. Heindl, A. Seewald, A. Nussbaumer, K. Burger, G. Bises, R. Rogojanu, P. Pietschmann, I. Ellinger, T. Thalhammer (2011): Influences of melatonin on murine osteoclast formation in culture - automated detection and quantification by a novel image analysis system. Bone, 48, S124-137, PP082-S. 3rd joint ECTS-IBMS Meeting in Athens, 7-11 May 2011.
Heindl A, Schepelmann M, Seewald A, Burger K, Rogojanu R, Ecker R, Bises G, Pietschmann P, Ellinger I, Thalhammer T: Towards an automated evaluation system of osteoclasts in cultures using a combine Image-processing and machine-learning strategy. Poster at the annual autumn meeting of the Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Vienna, Austria. ISSN: 1023-7763, 2010.
Heindl A, Schepelmann M, Seewald A, Burger K, Rogojanu R, Ecker R, Bises G, Pietschmann P, Ellinger I, Thalhammer T: Towards an Automated Detection of Osteoclasts in Cultures Using a Combined Image-processing and Machine-learning Strategy. Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel (17) 2010, Sonderheft 2, p.7.
Schepelmann M, Heindl A, Seewald A, Burger K, Rogojanu R, Ecker R, Bises G, Pietschmann P, Ellinger I, Thalhammer T: A novel method for automated quantification of osteoclasts in culture - Advantages, workflow and application. Poster at the annual autumn meeting of the Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Vienna, Austria. ISSN: 1023-7763, 2010.
Schepelmann M, Heindl A, Seewald A, Burger K, Rogojanu R, Ecker R, Bises G, Pietschmann P, Ellinger I, Thalhammer T: Influences on murine osteoclast formation and their automated detection by a novel image analysis software. Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel (17) 2010, Sonderheft 2, p.11.
Heindl A, Dekan S, Ellinger I, Seewald A: Towards a Versatile Automated Cell-Detection System for Science and Diagnostics. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina, p. 3045-3048, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10EMB-DVD, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4124-2, ISSN: 1557-170X, 2010.
Heindl A, Helmer H, Dekan S, Rogojanu R, Ecker R, Thalhammer T, Bises G, Uhrova H, Seewald A, Ellinger I (2010): Automated detection and analysis of fluorescent biomarkers in human placental chorionic tissue. Pediatric Research, August 2010, 68 (2), p. 176.
Rogojanu R., Mesteri I, Ellinger I, Thalhammer T, Kallay E, Heindl A, Seewald A, Bises G: Characterization and quantification of macrophages in colorectal cancer by an automated cell system. Poster at the 21st Meeting of the EACR, Oslo, Norway, June 2010.
Rogojanu R., Mesteri I., Ellinger I., Thalhammer T., Kallay E., Heindl A., Seewald A., Bises G.: Automated evaluation of Tumor-Associated Macrophage (TAM) local density in Colorectal Cancer by an Automated Cell Detection System. Poster presentation at the 6th PhD Symposium of the Young Scientist Assocation of the Medical University of Vienna, June 2010, Vienna, Austria. Also available as EJC Supplements, June 2010, Vol.8, Issue 5, Page 107.
Heindl A., Pohl V., Rogojanu R., Ecker R., Thalhammer T., Bises G., Seewald A., Ellinger I.: Towards a Versatile Automated Cell-Detection System for Science and Diagnostics exemplified through receptor for advanced glycated end-products (RAGE) quantification in placental chorionic villi. Poster presentation at the 6th PhD Symposium of the Young Scientist Association of the Medical University of Vienna, June 2010, Vienna, Austria.
Heindl A., Ecker R., Steiner G., Bises G., Thalhammer T., Rogojanu R., Uhrova H., Helmer H., Ellinger E., Seewald A.: Automated cell-detection technologies for science and diagnostics. Placenta 30 (9) 2009: P06.14.